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Thursday, April 23

After reflecting this week on previous devotions and thinking about the Children’s Ministry, I couldn’t help but to have goodness on my heart. As a mom of a toddler and teen, it sure feels like the words “be good” come out of me numerous times a day. This started me to think, what do I mean when I tell them to be good? I would hope that they are good listeners, helpers, and not to be disrespectful to others. I also think of this in the context of being their for our friends and family. So many people have came together during this time to support and encourage one another during this time. Sometimes, it feels like our goodness goes unnoticed or unappreciated, but God notices.

When we do goodness, we are doing these actions/tasks from a selfless place rather than satisfying our own needs. The meaning of goodness is a noun, meaning the quality of being morally good or virtuous. In order for us to have our sins forgiven and have eternal life, Jesus died for us. Goodness is also one of the fruits of the spirits. Matthew 5:16 states, “In the same way, let your good deeds shine out for all to see, so that everyone will praise your Heavenly Father.

We have been chosen by God to continue to show goodness to others. By doing this we show others the goodness of God. Romans 15:14 “I am fully convinced, my dear brothers and sister, that you are full of goodness. You know these things so well you can teach each other all about them.” The first part of Romans 15 discusses the importance of doing right and building others up for the Lord. Through the times of goodness the Lord gives us patience and encouragement.

God, thank you for allowing us to show goodness to others. I pray that during this time, God I ask that you use us to continue to show the goodness to the world. In all the things that we do is to glorify you. We pray that we continue to glorify everything we do for you. Amen.

Blessings, Jess

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